6. Suppose that Hilbert’s Grand Hotel is fully occupied, but the hotel closes all the even numbered rooms for maintenance. Show that all guests can remain in the hotel

“HILBERT’S GRAND HOTEL: We now describe a paradox that shows that something impossible with finite sets may be possible with infinite sets. The famous mathematician David Hilbert invented the notion of the Grand Hotel, which has a countably infinite number of rooms, each occupied by a guest. When a new guest arrives at a hotel with a finite number of rooms, and all rooms are occupied, this guest cannot be accommodated without evicting a current guest. However, we can always accommodate a new guest at the Grand Hotel, even when all rooms are already occupied.” Discrete Mathematics and its Applications by Rosen.

If all the even-numbered rooms are closed, we can only use the odd-numbered rooms to accommodate all the customers.

We move the guest in room number n, for n>1, to room 2n+1, we can accommodate all guests in all odd-numbered rooms (1,3,5,7,…) leaving all even numbered rooms empty for maintenance.

Notice that if n is an odd number, n=2k+1 for some integer k.

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