Find the value of each of these quantities

This type of exercise is easy. You are only required to apply a formula. You just need to know the formula.

“If n and r are integers with 0 ≤ r ≤ n, then P(n,r) = n! / (n−r)! ”. Discrete mathematics and its applications by Rosen.

Table of Contents

a) P(6,3)





b) P(6,5)

P(6,5)= 6!/(6-5)!




c) P(8,1)




d) P(8,5)



= 6720

e) P(8,8)




= 403 020

f) P(10,9)

P(10,9)= 10!/(10-9)!



= 3 628 800

As a final note, you won’t usually find this type of exercise. However, it is important to know the formula.

Here is how you will usually apply this formula.

Typical exercise: in how many ways can you choose first, second, and third place in a competition of 10 people if there are no ties? Answer: P(10,3). Notice, that the order matters because there might different arrangements for the same three people.

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