Let S = {1,2,3,4,5}. List all the 3-permutations of S. List all the 3-combinations of S.

“A permutation of a set of distinct objects is an ordered arrangement of these objects.”

Theorem: “If n is a positive integer and r is an integer with 1 ≤ r ≤ n, then there are P (n, r ) = n(n − 1)(n − 2) · · · (n − r + 1) r-permutations of a set with n distinct elements.”

Corollary: “If n and r are integers with 0 ≤ r ≤ n, then P(n,r) = n! / (n−r)!”

Definition “The number of r-combinations of a set with n elements, where n is a nonnegative integer and r is an integer with 0 ≤ r ≤ n, equals C(n,r) =n!/ r!(n−r)! ”

So, let’s start.

a) List all the 3-permutations of S

First, let’s calculate how many 3-permutations of S are there, so we don’t miss even one.

P(5,3) = 5!/(5-3!)=5!/2!=5*4*3*2!/2!=60.

So, let’s start:

123, 124, 125, 132, 134, 135, 142, 143, 145, 152, 153, 154,

213, 214, 215, 231, 234, 235, 241, 243, 245, 251, 253, 254

312, 314, 315, 321, 324, 325, 341, 342, 345, 351, 352, 354

b) List all the 3-combinations of S

C(5,3) = 5!/3!(5-3)!=5!/3!2!=5*4*3!/3!2!=10

In this case, the important thing to remember is in combinations, the order does not matter. So, 123 is the same as 231 and 321.

123, 124, 125, 134, 135, 145, 234, 235, 245, 345

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