Show that if there are 30 students in a class, then at least two have last names that begin with the same letter

Let’s start with the following definition.

THE PIGEONHOLE PRINCIPLE: “If k is a positive integer and k + 1 or more objects are placed into k boxes, then there is at least one box containing two or more of the objects.” Discrete Mathematics and its applications by Rosen.

The number of available letters in the English alphabet is 26.

So, let k=26 be the number of boxes and the 30 the number of objects (students) that we are going to put inside the boxes.

Then, by the pigeonhole principle, at least one box (last name first letter) has two or more objects (a student last name).

Another possible solution to this problem is to use the generalized pigeonhole principle.

THE GENERALIZED PIGEONHOLE PRINCIPLE: “If N objects are placed into k boxes, then there is at least one box containing at least ⌈N/k⌉ objects.” Discrete Mathematics and its applications by Rosen.

In this case, we will say that if 30 student-last-names are placed in 26 boxes, then at least one box contains ⌈30/26⌉=2 student-last-names, by the generalized pigeonhole principle.

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