Programming for beginners: Introductory course

Programming for beginners is an introductory course to programming (also known as coding). In this course, I will teach you how to code at a beginner level, from scratch.

I have more than 20 years of experience teaching programming and I want to share this knowledge with you. I hope you can use it to learn a new skill and have the foundations of what can be a new carrier for you.

Hello world in java. Welcome to the course programming for beginners.


Introduction to programming for beginners: where do I start to learn programming/coding?

This course is divided into four units as described below.

Unit 1: Algorithms

In this unit you will learn the basis of algorithms and how to use them to solve simple problems.

Also, you will see two ways of write algorithms: pseudo-code and flow diagrams.

Unit 2: Applying algorithms

To be able to apply algorithms using a programming language you have to learn several concepts.

You can learn these concepts and more in this Unit.

Unit 3: Arrays

Arrays are a powerful tool in any programming language.

In this Unit we are going to cover unidimensional and multidimensional arrays in Java.

Unit 4: Other topics

Exceptions handling: Create robust applications that don’t crash.

Files: Files in programming is a very important topic. It is usually taught in introductory programming courses because of its importance.

Unit Tests. Test your code before you publish it. So you avoid unnecessary crashes.

Why use git in programming? Create versions of your code and make sure you never have to waste time trying to get your code to be like it was before.